Facility Improvement Request Process
Facility Improvement Request Process
Below are the steps for submitting a Facility Improvement Project (also known as a Capital Improvement request). The diagram to the right and the steps listed below reflect the process the Facility Commitee follows to review requests submitted to the Banks School District.
1. Fill out the Facility Improvement Request Form
2. The Facilities Committee chair reviews Improvement Request
Form for Long Range Facility Plan. Provides feedback to the
a. Denied if project does not fall within the BSD Long Range
Facility Plan.
b. Approved if project fits within the Long Range Facility plan OR project lifespan is less than the Long Range Facility plan.
3. Once a project is approved by Facility Committee Chair to move
a. Review Capital Improvement Request Policy
b. Submit Capital Improvement Request Form to
Superintendent and Facility Committee Chair.
4. Facility Committee will review Capital Improvement request
forms at their monthly meeting and provide any follow-up as
5. Facility Committee makes approval/denial recommendation to
6. If Superintendent approves, project is brought to the Banks
School District Board for approval.
7. Banks School Board reviews/approves/denies project.